OEO Ontology

Overview / Open Energy Ontology / Class - process
Label: process

p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003])

Sub classes:
Sector coupling is a process of connecting processes from the electricity, heat, mobility or industrial sectors as well as their infrastructures.

Adsorption is a process that leads to an accumulation of a substance within a phase or at an interface between two phases.

Carbon capture is a process that captures carbon dioxide from a gas.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process that combines carbon capture and carbon sequestration.

Carbon storage is a process that stores CO2 in a geological formation.

A climate neutral process is a process that has a process climate neutrality attribute.

Consumption is the process of using something and thereby reducing its amount.

Cooperative programming is the process of two or more people working on program code together at the same time (according to a specified routine).

Curtailment is a process in which a power generating unit is forced to reduce its output, in order to balance energy supply and demand or due to transmission constraints.

A process of becoming smaller, less numerous, less important, or less likely.

Desorption is a process that leads to a detaching of a substance that was accumulated within a phase or at an interface between two phases (for example by adsorption).

Distribution is the process of delivering goods and services to agents. ETst

emission is a process releasing by-products from human activity (e.g. production, distribution or consumption) into the environment.

Energy balancing is a process that levels out energy supply and demand for system stability.

Export is the process of selling goods or services abroad and their delivery to a foreign market.

Feasible potential determination process al is a process that follows a determination methodology for feasable potential to gain knowledge of the feasible potential of something.

Frequency control is a process that regulates the electricity output of an artificial object to maintain the equilibrium between electricity supply and demand.

No description found.
Import is the process of purchasing goods or services abroad and their delivery to the domestic market.

A process of becoming larger, more numerous, more important, or more likely.

A manufacturing process is a process that produces artificial objects or object aggregates that are economic goods. It involves several subprocesses, which are energy transformations and material transformations amongst others.

A model calculation is a process of solving mathematical equations of a model.

Model calibration is a process of varying exogenous data, so that the model reproduces the known data (e.g. historical) as far as possible, and thus a part of validation.

Negative emission is the process of absorbing a substance, usually a pollutant that was emitted before.

Nuclear fission is a process of nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller, lighter nuclei.

An outage is a process during which an artificial object cannot perform or operate.

Parameterisation is the process of translating assumptions into exogenous data the model can use.

A phase transition is a transformation of a medium from a solid, liquid, or gas state to a different state.

b is a process_profile =Def. there is some process c such that b process_profile_of c (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [093-002])

A project is a process to achieve a specified goal that is unique in the sum of its conditions like its goal, time and cost budget and its organisation.

A request is a process whereby an agent asks another agent for something or to do something.

A scenario projection is an intentional process in which output (endogenous) data of interest are quantified for future points in time using one or more model calculation based on a scenario.

A sensitivity analysis is the process of comparing different model calculations based on a variation of input parameters (exogenous data items).

A service is a process that is an intangible activity performed by some agent for the benefit of another agent.

Solar tracking is a process in which a radiation receiving surface is following the path of the sun on the sky.

A sustainable process is a process that has a process sustainability attribute.

Techno-economic potential determination process is a process that follows a determination methodology for techno-economic potental to gain knowledge of the techno-economic potential of the available region.

Traction is a process of pushing or pulling to drive an object.

A trade is a process in which one good or service is exchanged for another good or service or money.

A transformation is a process that transforms one or more inputs into at least one output.

A transformative measure is a process that is an activity that has a direct impact on a specific variable in question.

Transport is the process of moving people or goods from one place to another.

Validation is the process of checking if something works correctly.

Water flow is a process of liquid water moving.

Wind is a process of air naturally moving.

Wind characteristics determination process is a process that follows a determination methodology for wind characteristics to gain knowledge of the specific wind characteristics of a predefined region. Wind characteristics include speed, direction, frequency, turbulence, and seasonal or diurnal patterns.

Wind farm area determination process is a process that follows a determination methodology for available area to gain knowledge of the available area for wind farm development.

Wind potential determination processa is a process that follows a determination methodology for wind potential to gain knowledge of the technical wind potential of the available area.

Back to the super classes:
Editor note:
BFO 2 Reference: every occurrent that is not a temporal or spatiotemporal region is s-dependent on some independent continuant that is not a spatial region

Editor note:
BFO 2 Reference: s-dependence obtains between every process and its participants in the sense that, as a matter of necessity, this process could not have existed unless these or those participants existed also. A process may have a succession of participants at different phases of its unfolding. Thus there may be different players on the field at different times during the course of a football game; but the process which is the entire game s-depends_on all of these players nonetheless. Some temporal parts of this process will s-depend_on on only some of the players.

Editor note:
Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process.

Editor note:
Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame.