OEO Ontology

Overview / Open Energy Ontology / Class - role
Label: role

Sub classes:
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Agent is a role of a person or organisation that directs its activity towards achieving goals.

A bidding zone role is a role of a two-dimensional spatial region that is realised in market participants trading energy without capacity allocation.

A conditionally reserved region role is a role of a region of interest that is prioritised to be used for wind park projects during the planning process, without excluding incompatible building projects.

A considered region role is the role of a region of relevance that is used in an analysis.

A critical infrastructure role is a role of artificial objects, such as plants and systems, that are assessed to be crucial for the preservation of societal functions, health, safety and economical or social welfare.

A fuel role is a role of a portion of matter that has the disposition to be an energy carrier and is used in a process that releases the carried energy by transforming the portion of matter into a different kind of portion of matter in a way that releases heat or does work.

The role of an independent continuant or energy over which ownership rights can be established, whose ownership can be passed from one party to another by engaging in transactions, and that is not money.

An interacting region role is a role of a region of relevance that interacts with a region of relevance that has the study region role. It is part of a region of relevance that has the considered region role, but not a study region role.

Location of model uncertainty role is a role of an entity in which a model uncertainty is located in.

A role of an organisation, association, or group of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which constitutes, maintains, or provides a facility for bringing together purchasers and sellers of financial instruments, commodities, or other products, services, or goods, and includes the market place and facilities maintained by the exchange

A model role is a a role of a continuant for representing a system and its behaviours in a simplified or idealised way.

An organisation role is a role of an aggregate of people that has a collective goal and a set of organisation rules.

A priority region role is a role of a region of interest that gives high priority to building wind park projects, excluding building projects that are not compatible with this priority.

A role of an information content entity, that indicates a benchmark, e.g. in a comparison.

A service product role is the role of an immaterial entity that is the result of a service process, and whose value is determined by the value and the costs of the service.

A study region role is a role of a region of relevance that is under investigation and consists entirely of one or more subregions.

A suitable region role is a role of a region of interest that designates an agreeable location for wind park projects within the planning region while excluding the building of wind park projects in the rest of the planning region.

A waste role is a role of a material entity that has been discarded after primary use.

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