OEO Ontology

Overview / Open Energy Ontology / Class - two-dimensional spatial region
Label: two-dimensional spatial region

Sub classes:
A bidding zone is a two-dimensional spatial region in which market participants are able to exchange energy without capacity allocation.

A protected area is a two-dimensional spatial region recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.

A space requirement is a two-dimensional spatial region that covers the area needed by an object or object aggregate.

Back to the super classes:
Editor note:
BFO 2 Reference: Spatial regions do not participate in processes.

Editor note:
Spatial region doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the union of a spatial point and a spatial line that doesn't overlap the point, or two spatial lines that intersect at a single point. In both cases the resultant spatial region is neither 0-dimensional, 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, or 3-dimensional.