OEO Ontology

Overview / Open Energy Ontology / Class - quality
Label: quality

Sub classes:
A monetary price is a quality of a product that indicates the value in terms of the amount of money requested, expected, required or given in exchange for something else.

An amount is a quality of an object aggregate that counts the number of entities that form the object aggregate.

Energy is a quality of material entities which manifests as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules)

A fuel blending quota is a quality of a blended fuel that indicates the share of liquid renewable fuel or liquid biofuel mixed into fossil fuel.

Hub height is a quality of a wind energy converting unit that measures the distance between surface and centre-line of the wind rotor.

Level of model uncertainty is a quality of a model that represents the degree or severity of an uncertainty.

A market share is a quality of a market exchange which quantifies the proportion a good to the total amount of goods traded in that market exchange.

Nature of model uncertainty is a quality of a model that represents the core reason for uncertainty within it.

Origin is a quality of a portion of matter or energy based on where it comes from. It is inherited from its primary sources.

Planned availability is a quality that describes the amount of time a power plant is planned to be operational per year.

A pressure is a quality representing the force per unit area that its bearer exerts on itself or on a surface that bounds its bearer.

A quantity is a quality of a material entity where the magnitude of the quality can be quantified via a quantity value, which means that it can be expressed as a number and a unit.

b is a relational quality = Def. for some independent continuants c, d and for some time t: b quality_of c at t & b quality_of d at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [057-001])

Resolution is a quality of a dataset that indicates the level of detail of the data.

Rotor diameter is a quality of a wind energy converting unit that measures the diameter of the wind rotor.

A state of matter is a quality of a portion of matter that describes the distinct physical form in which the matter exists.

Temperature is a quality representing the driving force for the flow of heat energy and is a measure of the heat content of a material entity.

Uncertainty of a model is a qualtity of a model that represents any departure from the unachievable ideal of complete determinism.

Unplanned availability is a quality that describes the amount of time a power plant is planned to be operational per year, but is not operation.

Back to the super classes:
b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003])

Editor note:
Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc.